Examples: examples/tickstyles.py ================================ .. image:: examples/tickstyles.png Back to :ref:`examples-gallery` .. code-block:: python :linenos: plot = Plot() line = Line() line.yValues = [25, 40, 30, 23, 10, 50] line.xValues = range(len(line.yValues)) line.xTickLabels = ["X 1", "X 2", "X 3", "X 4", "X 5"] line.yTickLabels = ["Y Ten", "Y Twenty", "Y Thirty", "Y Forty", "Y Fifty", "Y Sixty"] line.yTickLabelPoints = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60] # You can set tick label properties with a dictionary ... line.xTickLabelProperties = { "color" : "blue", "weight" : "bold", "rotation" : 45 } line.yTickLabelProperties = { "style" : "italic", "alpha" : 0.5, "color" : "red" } # (clearing for demonstrative purposes) line.xTickLabelProperties.clear() line.yTickLabelProperties.clear() # You can also set by direct elementwise access line.xTickLabelProperties["color"] = "blue" line.xTickLabelProperties["weight"] = "bold" line.xTickLabelProperties["rotation"] = "45" line.yTickLabelProperties["style"] = "italic" line.yTickLabelProperties["alpha"] = 0.5 line.yTickLabelProperties["color"] = "red" plot.add(line) plot.title = "Craaazy Title" plot.setTitleProperties( style="italic", weight="bold", rotation="5", color="orange") plot.xLabel = "X Label" plot.yLabel = "Y Label" plot.yLimits = (0, 60) plot.tight = True plot.save(self.imageName)